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Effective Design and Manpower Requirements for Impactful Social Media Marketing
Featuring: Kymber Heinze - SmartSites
Air Date: February 8, 2024
1pm Eastern/ 12pm Central / 11am Mountain / 10am Pacific
Program Length: 40 minutes
It's no secret that social media is an indispensable tool for reaching customers, building brand awareness, and converting leads into loyal clients.
While social media presents a compelling landscape for business growth, it's not without its challenges. Brand mismanagement, miscommunication and privacy concerns are just a few of the potential hazards.
Whether you're a social media novice or looking to refine your current strategy, this webinar is your roadmap to revitalize your dealership's online presence and boost sales. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the digital race, and secure your spot at the forefront of the automotive industry's social media marathon.
Kymber Heinze, Director of Social Media at SmartSites joins us to bring us up to speed on the best tactics and techniques and practices of social media marketing today.
We Will Cover:
The Importance of Social Media in the Automotive Industry
Goals, purpose and data behind the importance of using social media marketing
Evolution of Design + Social Media Features
Old trends, new trends, features + what works for the automotive industry
Time + Personnel Investment
How many people, how much time and what assets are needed for success
Content, Graphics, Video + Engagement
The inner workings and best practices of a successful social media strategy
KPI’s to Watch For
Measuring success of social media marketing