AI, Phones and the Dealership Customer Experience
Featuring: Phillip Sherman, Telecom Advisors Group
Air Date: October 3, 2024
1pm Eastern/ 12pm Central / 11am Mountain / 10am Pacific
Program Length: 45 minutes
Most of the automotive industry is still focused on traditional linear car shopping and the old “sales funnel” approach, with the assumption most shoppers will begin by engaging with TV or online advertising. From there, they would evaluate options, narrow down their options, engage with a few dealer websites or in-person sales personnel, and go for a couple of test drives. Only then would the shopper buy at a dealership.
That model no longer fits its intended purpose. Spurred on by the pandemic’s impact on digital adoption, its death is accelerating and the hard lines between online and offline are disappearing. No retail sector has been left unaffected by this transformation. To capitalize on this change, the automotive industry will pivot away from a prescriptive and linear approach where awareness, consideration, purchase, and retention are siloed in specific channels and where conversion is irrevocably tied to the physical dealership. Artificial Intelligence or AI is going to change the Dealership Experience.
Points we're going to cover include:
1. What is AI
2. What can it do for the Customer's Experience
3. Platforms that are offered today.
4. Dealership Telephone Platforms that are currently using AI.
5. How to upgrade to this new technology.