Do Your Management and Staff Team Members really know what you expect of them?
"I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said."
-Alan Greenspan

The Easy Way to Update and Modernize Your Employee Handbook - Includes USB Flash Drive with Word Files for Quick Inclusion and Editing.
Text for Policy Statements Specifically for Auto Dealerships
This Guide Contains language Templates for over 60 Policy Statement Templates that Auto Dealers Should Consider for their Employee Handbook.
Authored by an Employment Attorney with over 30 years of service to auto dealerships.
Includes a Flash Drive with Word files for each policy so that you can cut, paste and edit to your specific needs.
DealersEdge VIP Members: Due to copyright ownership and licensing agreements, this Guide is not included in your Membership access and must be purchased separately. Most other DealersEdge print guides are available at no added charge in downloadable PDF format.