Auto Dealership Parts Inventory Management Guide
This Parts Operations Guide Provides You With a Deep Dive Into the Workings of Today’s Dealership Parts Department
In spite of OEM-controlled Stock Replenishment Programs, losses through obsolescence persist… in large measure… still caused by the same inventory control issues.
"By The Numbers"
Gain Better Control of the Losses Still Generated Due to Obsolescence
This new DealersEdge Guide provides you with a deep dive into the numbers, reports and processes of a well-run parts department focused on providing the parts needed by your Service Department on a timely basis… Without falling into the habits that most often result in “forced stock” and parts you cannot sell or return “True Obsolescence”
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When questions surface you will have a ready reference to gather details and craft a solution…
1 Health Check for the Auto Dealership Parts Department
Are OEM replenishment programs really designed to benefit the dealership or the OEM?
What are the 6 Key Measurements of a Health Parts Department?
Are you recovering enough for the parts needed for Factory Warranty Repairs?
How would you grade the efficiency and profitability of your Parts Department?
2 Checklists for a Highly Effective and Profitable Parts Department
Daily Checklists - Parts Added to Inventory, Special Order Reporting, Override Reporting, Daily Sales Report by Sale Account
Weekly Checklists - Inventory Mix Reporting
Monthly Checklists - Parts Financial Statement, Obsolete Parts Report, Inventory Turns, Emergency Purchases
3 Checklists for a Successful Physical Parts Inventory
Checklists for the activities required of Parts, Service and the Accounting Office in the months and days leading up to the successful and accurate physical count
4 Monthly Process to Reconcile Your DMS Parts Inventory Value to the General Ledger
Primary causes for inventory valuations disputes between Parts and Accounting
Strategies for identifying and balancing reasonable and routine differences
How the 2 set of books can hide serious problems and potential losses
Why monthly reconciliations are vitally important to dealership health
5 Pay Plan Strategies for Parts Managers
How some pay plans appear to be on target but actually produce results that are harmful to the Parts Department and the entire Dealership
How upper management can focus on what is truly important and how to get the desired results from the Parts Manager’s Pay Planes
How interdepartmental cooperation can be recognized and rewarded
How recognition and reward can help the Parts Department thrive
6 Job Descriptions for Parts Department Positions
Ideas on how to create a meaningful and on-target Job Description for Part Department Team Members
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